Tips on sustainable motor caravanning

Driving your motor caravan sustainably will ensure you use less fuel therefore reducing the amount of emissions into the environment and saving you money.

Efficient Driving

  • Drive smoothly - accelerate smoothly and brake earlier. Try not to over-rev the engine by changing up gears.
  • Avoid idling - you will save more fuel by turning your vehicle off if idling for more than 10 seconds.
  • Walk or use your tow vehicle - as short trips can use 20% more fuel when the engine is cold.
  • Lighten the load - and remove any unnecessary items before heading off on your journey. Every kilogram requires the engine to work harder.
  • Limit the number of items - on your roof racks and around your vehicle. They increase air resistance and therefore fuel consumption.
  • Use air conditioning selectively - you use approximatly 10% more fuel with this turned on, however the drag from open windows reduces fuel economy even more at highway speeds. A good compromise is to use the air conditioning while driving on the open road and opening your windows when travelling in and around town.
  • Plan you trips ahead of time to avoid multiple short trips which will increase fuel consumption.

Vehicle Maintenance

A well tuned vehicle and correctly inflated tyres will reduce fuel use and pollutants produced. Your tyres recommended PSI can be found on a plate inside the driver's door jamb or in your vehicle manual. Check your tyre pressure at least once a month.

Purchasing a New Vehicle

  • Opt for a vehicle that uses less fuel and emits fewer greenhouse gases. Visit for more information.
  • Conserving Utilities
  • Conserve water by fixing leaking taps, hoses, and tanks; and installing low flow shower heads.
  • Switch appliances off at the power point when not in use.
  • Limit the use of your generator to conserve fuel and spare your neighbours the noise.
  • Make the most of sunlight to warm your vehicle during the day and close curtains early to retain the heat in winter.
  • Check all gas connections, hoses etc for leaks.

Rubbish Disposal

  • It is illegal to dispose of rubbish incorrectly in New Zealand. Household rubbish left at the side of the road or at public litter bins is not likely to be collected and results in windblown litter blocking up streams, coastal area and drains.
  • Rubbish is visually offensive and smells disgusting. Animals become sick or harmed once exposed and disease is spread.
  • You can put rubbish out for collection at designated spots on the correct collection day or use a transfer station.
  • The local council or i-site centre will be able to advise you on the rules of the district and the nearest transfer station.
  • Always recycle when you can and remember to Pack In & Pack Out and keep New Zealand beautiful.