The Motor Caravanner magazine and Local Deals app delivery the perfect mix of established motorhomers and those new to the lifestyle. This engaged audience is keen to learn more about the products and services you offer. Read more below and call us to discuss how we can help grow your business.
If your business targets motorhome owners, caravanners, people interested in the outdoors, or the 45-plus demographic there is no more cost-effective way to reach them than through the pages of The Motor Caravanner magazine.
The Motor Caravanner is a full colour 176 page magazine and has the largest circulation of any motorhome or caravan magazine in New Zealand, 65,000-plus copies are distributed via addressed mail to over 119,000 New Zealand Motor Caravan Association members, 6 times annually.
The growth of motor caravanning mirrors the emergence of Baby Boomers aged 45 to 71 years, the retirement commission estimates the net worth of those 45+ to be $329 billion. The Motor Caravanner magazine is the ideal vehicle to promote your products and services to this growing and affluent demographic. NZMCA members are keen to read about new products and services that will enhance their lives, as well as the enjoyment of their chosen leisure activity.
For more information on The Motor Caravanner including advertising options, editorial enquiries, publication dates and specifications contact us or download the Media Kit.
For enquiries regarding The Motor Caravanner magazine please contact us as below.
Brent Gillies (Publications Manager)
phone 09 298 5466 Ext 205 | mobile 021 776 866
Rachel Lee (Advertising Manager)
phone 09 298 5466 Ext 203 | mobile 021 809 751
Hannah Dickson
phone 09 298 5466 Ext 206 | mobile 021 083 67795
Chris Gaskell
Karen Gillies (Accounts/Office Manager)
phone 09 298 5466 Ext 201
Leanne Dean (Production Manager/Designer)
phone 09 298 5466 Ext 202
Postal address:
PO Box 302 685, North Harbour 0751
Street address:
Unit M, 4 Antares Place, Rosedale 0632