Anyone may advertise - For Sales, Wanteds or Other - in The Motor Caravanner, the A4 size Association magazine that is published every two months - January, March, May, July, September and November. STRICTLY NOT FOR COMMERCIAL ADVERTISING.
Looking for the Classifieds section in the current issue of The Motor Caravanner? Download a PDF copy of the magazine (member-access only).
Payment must accompany your advertisement – either cash or credit card (include details). We do not accept money orders or cheques. Please include your membership number or you will be charged non-member rates and don't forget to include your phone number or email address in your advertisement text.
When supplying a photo and you would like it returned, please provide a stamped, self addressed envelope. To repeat adverts in future issues you must supply the photo again with payment. Photos can also be emailed to as high resolution jpeg files.
Please include the area where your vehicle can be viewed.