The NZMCA Supporting Community Projects

The Greenfund is an NZMCA initiative helping to fund grassroots environmental and conservation projects throughout New Zealand that offer opportunities for member participation.  The purpose of the Greenfund supports the NZMCA’s strategic goals of promoting the sustainable protection of our natural environment, while creating opportunities for member involvement.

The NZMCA welcomes applications for funding from NZMCA Areas, not for profit community groups, local authorities and government departments, e.g. the Department of Conservation.

How to Apply

> Step One

Review the application guidance document (found in next section below)

> Step Two

Fill out the application form (the form can be completed electronically or printed and is found below)

> Step 3

Email a copy of the completed application form, along with all supporting documentation, to

Downloadable Documents

Greenfund Supported Projects

Te Muri Tree Planting Project

With a proud history of caring for the environment, the NZMCA's partnership with Greenfleet was kicked off by a tree planting project at the Te Muri Regional Park last year.

Taupo Swamp Restoration Project

FOTSC has grown out of concern for the protection and enhancement of the Taupo Swamp and catchment and its functioning and vibrant ecosystems - they are a community led group.

Lyell Creek/Waikōau Restoration & Protection Project

This project was established by ‘Love the Lyell Group’ – an organisation run by the Kaikoura community, with support from the Kaikoura District Council, Environment Canterbury and a host of other local business and community groups.

Timona Park Pathway Project

This project aims to improve the cycle/walking pathway, clear exotic vegetation and undertake strategic native planting at Timona Park.

Western Bay Wildlife Trust

WBWT Mission Statement: To protect, restore and enhance native populations and ecosystems around the Western Bay of Plenty, New Zealand, and to educate through knowledge and involvement.

The Waitekuri Wetland Project

Working with Waikato Regional Council, the landowners want to re-establish 13,600 m2 of wetland plants to provide habitat for native birds, fish and insects.

Rotopiko Restoration

The National Wetland Trust have been running a community-led restoration project at Lake Rotopiko involving hundreds of volunteers since 2011. Over the years they have converted a little-known rundown reserve into a fantastic new visitor destination.

Bruce Pullman Park Project

This project aims to help rejuvenate the ponds and surrounding areas by carrying out an extensive planting initiative. This project will enhance the quality of the ponds and re-introduce fresh water species and bird life to the area.

Tasman Area Community Association (TACA) - Te Mamaku Native Corridor Planting Project

A 10km long green corridor along SH60 between Tasman Village and Mapua, the so-called "Te Mamaku Drive", formerly the Ruby Bypass; that's the ambitious project of some local Tasman folk.

Te Kōhaka o Tūhaitara Trust

Te Kōhaka o Tūhaitara Trust is a registered charity responsible for the rehablitation and management of Tūhaitara Coastal Park.

Manawahe Eco Trust

The Manawahe Eco Trust was formed to manage the community’s interest in improving biodiversity in native forests within the Manawahe Ecological Corridor.

Waiau Trust

The Waiau Fisheries and Wildlife Habitat Enhancement Trust was established in 1996. It was the result of the negotiations between the community (the Waiau Working Party) and ECNZ (now Meridian Energy Limited). It was designed to mitigate and remedy the adverse effects the Manapouri Power Scheme had, and continues to have, on the fisheries and wildlife values of the Waiau Catchment, Southland, New Zealand.