As an exclusive offer for NZMCA members, you'll get:


  • Actual prices may vary from the RRP above depending on the branch's price band. * Email us at  to check.
  • Some branches charge out prices at different rates.  The above prices are at VTNZ Premium Booking Service branches.


Product PLU Description Inspection Type RRP from* NZMCA Discount
Campervan Light CPL

Campervan Light

GVM up to 3,500kg

WOF $95 20%
Campervan Standard CPS

Campervan Standard

GVM 3,501 to 10,000kg

COFB $279.84 8%
20yr+ Campervan Standard CPSO

20yr+ Campervan Standard

GVM 3,501 to 10,000kg

COFB $311.52 8%
Campervan Heavy CP2H Campervan Heavy - 2 Axle GVM over 10,001kg COFB $311.52 8%
20yr+ Campervan Heavy CP2HO 20yr+ Campervan Heavy - 2 Axle GVM over 10,001kg COFB $344.52 8%
Campervan Heavy CP3H

Campervan Heavy - 3 or more Axles

COFB $378.84 8%
20yr+ Campervan Heavy CP3HO 20yr+ Campervan Heavy - 3 or more Axles COFB $411.84 8%
Caravan Light CVN Caravan Light - GVM up to 3,500kg WOF $74 20%
Caravan Trailers CVT

Caravan Trailers - GVM over 3,500kg

COFB $311.52 8%
20yr+ Caravan Trailers CVTO 20yr+ Caravan Trailers - GVM over 3,500kg COFB 344.52 8%
WOF Cars WF1 WOF Cars WOF $85 20%
Pre-purchase inspection PPE Pre-purchase inspection - Consumer PPC $199 20%

*VTNZ Price List 1October 2024 (Prices include GST)

Terms and Conditions:

  • Discount does not apply to WOF + Basic Service Combo. 
  • There may be additional services that branches provide where no discounts are offered.  Please check with the branch to enquire about costs.
  • There has been an introduction of a 20 year + old charge. This is for COFB inspections on vehicles that are older than 20 years.
  • Please remember that these prices are from. Email us at  to check.

VTNZ rolls out their Premium Booking Service
What is this service?  It offers VTNZ’s customers the ability to book a variety of services.

The service promises a reduction in wait times and queues, has a centralised and supported booking service experience for customers and offers an ability to book a dedicated inspection/certification time which allows for improved traffic flow and management.

VTNZ are in the process of rolling out our Premium Booking Service to our Branches across New Zealand. Email us at to see if your local branch offers a Premium Booking Service.
VTNZ | Your Partner for Driver and Vehicle Safety

VTNZ has introduced a NZMCA email address. Please contact us on for any enquires, questions or advice.

Just present your NZMCA membership card or quote account number 306450

Find your nearest branch at