Tauranga Loop Track

Walking Trail

2 hrs, easy difficulty

About the trail
5 km loop. This walking track crosses the historic Tauranga Bridge and passes alongside the Tauranga Stream.

Dog friendly: No

Things to know

Dogs with a DOC permit only. Contact the relevant DOC office to obtain a permit.

There are parking and picnicking facilities at the start of the walk.

The track starts adjacent to the road and within 5 minutes reaches the historic Tauranga Bridge, spanning the Waioeka River. From the bridge, you can see stunning views of the Waioeka River and surrounding native bush.

Once across the bridge the loop track begins and can be walked in either direction.

Traveling clockwise, turn left, and walk through regenerating farmland on the southern side of the Tauranga Stream for approximately one hour. The track then crosses over the stream to the northern bank and doubles back along the bush edge to the Waioeka River. There is a second stream-crossing at the mouth of the Tauranga Stream to get back to the Tauranga Bridge.

Part of Virtually on Track - Discover, Explore, Connect

Getting there

The Tauranga Bridge and Loop Track are located 26 km south-east of Opotiki on SH2.

Source: Department of Conservation 

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