
MHF Town
Coromandel-Thames District Council

The town of Whangamata is sited on the southeast coast of the Coromandel Peninsula in the North Island of New Zealand. 

In holiday times the population swells considerably: New Year's celebrations fill the town to over 25,000 though this falls soon after New Year's Day.

A number of off-shore islands can be seen from the beach. Hauturu or Clark Island is accessible by wading at low tide and is popular in summer months for rock-pool fossickers and kayakers. Whenuakura, sometimes known as Donut Island, sits about a kilometre east of the southern part of Whangamata beach (Otahu Beach).  Whenuakura Island has a large collapsed blow hole which has formed a small beach inside the island - hence the alternative name.

Famous for its unique combination of beach and rainforest, Whangamata's amazing ocean beach provides some of the best surfing breaks, yet safest swimming in the country. The Coromandel Forest Park bordering the town provides many outdoor experiences, including short walks, mountain bike trails and old gold mining sites. The town also has one of the best shopping centres in the region. 

A number of the houses in the area are holiday homes - providing weekend refuge and the classic kiwi beach holiday. Whangamata is also home of the Beach Hop, a five day celebration of '50s and '60s culture.

Coromandel-Thames District Council | 620 Port Road, Whangamata | 07 865 0060 - www.tcdc.govt.nz
