What's Portable WiFi?

We call it NZMCA Data and it's wireless internet you can take with you. Using a broadband modem with a data plan of your choice, simply plug in the modem to power (240 or 12-24V), and connect your devices to the internet. You can use it almost anywhere in New Zealand - your caravan, motorhome, bach, house and even on a boat! 

NZMCA Data is different to 'at home' internet that relies on underground fibre and copper wires. It uses more than 1,650 fixed wireless towers in NZ to provide internet to modems within range (operating on the Vodafone network).

Our friends at Wireless Nation offer this award-winning solution and it's designed for members at exclusive pricing. It's a one-off purchase for the discounted modem and you have the choice between 3 data plans, with monthly billing. Check out fellow NZMCA members the Leopard family as they explain NZMCA Data and their experience with it here.

Is NZMCA Data right for me?

Will you use it in your motor caravan, at home, or both? How often will you be travelling, and do you need two modems or one? These affect whether NZMCA Data will work for you, and how you can get the most out of it without chewing through your data.

I like to travel:

For more than a month: With NZMCA Data, simply tell Wireless Nation how long you need internet for and they'll put it on hold when you're done (it needs to be active for at least a month). 

For less than a month: Use NZMCA Data on the road and the remaining data when you return. Give 5 days notice to put it on hold, or if you have a Wireless Nation fixed home connection it's a 5 day switch from NZMCA Data to home WiFi (putting the modem on hold). Or, consider if a mobile plan better suits your needs.

I like to travel:

With no one at home: Then unplug your NZMCA Data modem from your home and plug it into your motor caravan when you head away.

With my family at home: You'll need two separate connections (two NZMCA Data modems/plans) - one for your home and one for the road. If you know where you're planning to travel or want to use it at home check the map showing if coverage is available. If you're not in a good coverage area, opt for one of Wireless Nation's internet solutions for fixed home connections (and keep NZMCA Data just for the road). 

What are my options?

Wireless Nation offer three data plans - consider how much internet you'll use based on how you like to travel. If you have any questions or need help picking a plan, Wireless Nation knows all about how members like to travel and they can get you sorted with a plan that suits you best. Email them at sales@wirelessnation.net or call them on 09 280 3672. Online help is available too here, and you can find the top 5 FAQ's about NZMCA Data here.