Tasks include:
These are social events and are usually suitable for a range of fitness levels and skills. We encourage people of all ages to join us.
Conservation volunteering Whanganui – Current opportunities (PDF, 534K)
These help to restore the biodiversity, and help out ecosystems and wildlife habitat in the Whanganui region.
As well as helping us, you'll also:
What to bring
What will be provided
How to apply
Fill in the online application form.
State which activity you would like to apply for. Contact us if you have any questions about your application.
For more information about volunteering in Whanganui, contact Community Senior Ranger Katy Newton
Phone: +64 6 349 2100 or +64 27 384 3724
Email: knewton@doc.govt.nz
Log your hours here! Create a log of your volunteering for your member portal. Don't worry if your plans change, you can update your details from the Members Portal for up to 7 days after the event.
NOTE: This is not an application process. Application processes may vary, please check the listing for how you can register for this event.