Driving towards a sustainable future

  • Empty toilet and wastetanks in approved dump stations. Holes must not be dug in the ground
  • Did you know that wipes and non-flushable items are bad for the environment, clogging both dump stations and sewage systems? Avoid them when you can, or use alternative methods of disposal.
  • Caravans should be washed on a grass or dirt-covered surface to absorb detergent/soap and prevent contaminated water from washing into the stormwater system/local waterways.
  • Take care with plants and animals
  • Keep your vehicle to formed tracks
  • Keep your campsite tidy. Remove all rubbish and take it with you when you leave
  • Leave no extra equipment around outside your vehicle, although you may use your awning and generator
  • Generators may be used from 8am to 8pm only (consider your neighbours by limiting the use thereof)
  • Observe fire restrictions. Use only built fireplaces and portable BBQs if you wish to cook outside
  • Be aware, respect and value any spiritual, historical or scenic value in areas you visit
  • You are requested to report environment abuse and/or improper use to the landowner or local DOC office.