Physical Address: 4 Graham Road, Takanini 2112
Postal Address: PO Box 72147, Papakura 2244
Phone: 09 298 5466
Fax: 09 298 5646
The NZMCA National office is open Monday to Friday, 8am till 4.30pm. To meet with someone else in the team, please pre-book to guarantee they’re available. The Publications Team are physically based in Rosedale on the North Shore of Auckland.
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Motor Caravan Insurance - Covi NZMCA Insurance | 0800 805 965 |
Motor Caravanner Magazine - Contact the Publications Team
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If you have a complaint, dispute or grievance against the Association, an employee or a member you may submit a complaint which will be dealt with in accordance with the rules set out in the Constitution and Bylaws. Members of the Association should submit a complaint using the Official Complaint Form, and members of the public should email including your name and as much detail as possible.