What is CampSaver?

CampSaver helps you attract more of our members to maximise your camp’s occupancy all year round and gives our members great value places to stay. It will give you an advantage to stand out from the 400+ camps nationwide. 

NZMCA started CampSaver in 2019 when our CEO stayed at Island View Holiday Park and they offered him a NZMCA member discount during the off-peak season. The Manager, Lorne, said “it’s better to sell the space at a lower rate than not at all”.

Attract a broad and growing national audience of over 115k members

  • Listed in our NZMCA app and Travel Directory online. In 2021, over 80% of our members used the NZMCA travel app and there were over 850k unique page views of our online Travel Directory. 
  • Listed on the CampSaver web page that gets over 20k unique page views. 
  • Part of CampSaver promotions in our bi-monthly member magazine sent to all members (printed or online) – The Motor Caravanner. Members love their magazine and respond to it.  
  • Included in CampSaver promotions on the NZMCA Inc Facebook page (over 26k followers). Member moderators likely to share it to our member-to-member Wings Facebook group (over 22k followers). 
  • NZMCA CampSaver signage available for you to display e.g. CampSaver logo for your website or social page, posters, indoor window stickers, teardrop flags and outdoor weatherproof stickers. 

Join our community of over 90 campgrounds nationwide. NZMCA members love to explore our big backyard. In fact, we’re New Zealand’s most regular domestic tourists – 62% travel five or more times a year, and 29% travel more than 10 times! Members even manage camps to give the regular manager a break!

Choose the rate that suits your camp 

You can choose to offer NZMCA members 20% discount OR a flat rate of $25 for two adults ($20 for one), which applies to a vehicle, per night on a powered site. We understand some facilities, e.g. laundry, may be user pays. 

There’s no minimum night’s stay. We’ll encourage members to pre-book but they do value flexibility and spontaneity. Instead of standard peak exclusions, you can exclude the peak dates that are relevant for your camp. 

How does it work? 

When they check in, members will show you their personalised NZMCA membership card (physical card or on our app). We also encourage them to ask for your 'CAMPSAVER RATE' (conditions apply, see 'CampSaver guidelines'). 

Offer period: 

CampSaver is available all year-round. Of course, we don’t expect you to offer discounted rates when there’s high demand on your available space so you are able to exclude the peak dates that are relevant to your camp.  

When you sign-up, let us know your peak occupancy dates that you need us to exclude. Please make the offer available for as much of the year as possible. Excluding certain days of the week, e.g. all weekends, won’t be approved. Your peak date exclusions will be in your CampSaver listing. We’ll keep promoting your camp to our members even when you’re not offering the discount.   

Opting out of CampSaver 

If your camp is changing ownership or CampSaver is no longer working for you, you can opt-out at any time by emailing campsaver@nzmca.org.nz. We’ll remove your listing in all NZMCA channels and ask you to remove CampSaver ads in your channels e.g. posters and window stickers. 

CampSaver Guidelines: 

Please read these CampSaver Guidelines for members and campgrounds. It includes all your need to knows before you join CampSaver.

How to join CampSaver: 

Please email campsaver@nzmca.org.nz. Give us up to 3 working days to contact you and get the information we need and to list you as a CampSaver camp. If we’re unable to list your camp we’ll let you know why.  

Terms and Conditions:

By joining CampSaver you acknowledge you’ve read and agree to NZMCA’s privacy policy, general terms and conditions, and the CampSaver terms and conditions (below). Once this application is approved, you agree to comply with the below conditions: 

  • You’re an official registered campground and have a license/certificate to operate as one. 
  • You’ll offer the discounted rate OR the fixed rate. You can change the rate you offer during the year. The options are: 

               1. The discounted rate: 20% off your standard rate for a vehicle on a powered or non-powered site. OR; 
               2. The fixed rate: $25 for two adults ($20 for one) in a vehicle, for a powered site. 

  • If a powered site isn’t available, a non-powered site will be offered, at your discretion, at the same or lesser rate. 
  • If any of your conditions change you’ll update your camp listing online, wait for the change to be approved and your listing to be updated, and then implement the change at your camp. The wait time should be no more than two working days.  
  • When members ask, we’ll quote your advertised rate and we’ll let them know your peak exclusion dates. Members know they must show you their current NZMCA membership card when they check in (physical card or the card on their NZMCA app).  

Inquire now and join today!

Please click the link below to email us. We will respond within 3 working days with more information. Please ensure you provide us:

  1. The name of your campground.
  2. The best phone number to contact you.
  3. A time you prefer to be called.


Easy way to keep your listing up-to-date 

You’ll be able to easily log in and view what our members see online, access your listing to update it, plus see and reply to member reviews. We’ll review any updates before we make them live. Once you’ve joined, you can access your listing here.